What should I do if I find an injured animal?
Move the animal away from any danger and into a quiet, dark environment. Contain in a cardboard box with a small towel or blanket inside to provide warmth and comfort.
DO NOT OFFER ANY FOOD OR WATER as native animals have very specialised diets, plus feeding an animal suffering from shock could be fatal.
Note the exact location the animal was found – most animals are territorial and must be released back at the rescue site.
Keep the animal as quiet and undisturbed as possible.
Please call Sydney Wildlife immediately on 9413 4300 or take the animal to your nearest vet (there will be no charge). It is illegal to keep native animals taken from the wild – they must be passed on to an authorised, licensed wildlife carer.
For snakes
If you find a snake on your property, please do not handle it. Again, call Sydney Wildlife immediately.
What should I do if I find a nestling/fledgling bird (that isn’t injured)?
For Nestlings (still in the nest; can’t stand or perch):
If the nestling is feathered and vigorous and the parents are around, place the bird back in its own nest, or if that isn’t possible, place it in a substitute nest in the same or a nearby tree with foliage cover (the substitute nest can be made from an ice cream container, with holes punched into the bottom and lined with shredded newspaper or leaf litter). Observe and ensure that the adults are coming back to feed it. If the adults are not sitting with it overnight, cover it with a washer, or take it inside, particularly if it is cold or raining. Take it back early the next morning. Keep an eye on it throughout the day to check it has not been abandoned by its parents, ie they are still feeding it. If the parents abandon the bird, it will need to be passed onto a Sydney Wildlife carer. If the bird is unfeathered, please take it to your local vet as, at this early stage, it is not viable for hand-raising.
For Fledglings (out of the nest; can perch and flap but not necessarily fly well):
If the fledgling is in good condition, vigorous and begging and the parents are around, you should take it back to where it was found. Place it on the ground, if possible in an open wire topped basket, or upturned budgie cage, so that the adults can hear and see it. Tease it with food to get it to call out. If the parents come to the fledgling and show interest, put the bird on a branch and wait for the adults to feed it. If possible, go back later that day, or the next day, to check the parents are still feeding the chick. If the parents do not return and it is clear that the chick has been abandoned, take it home and call Sydney Wildlife so that a carer can be found to care for it.